I’m passionate about helping renters stay safe & get paid.

Meet Jake…

From dirt floor classrooms in Thailand to Calacatta gold marble office floors, Jake’s story is one for the ages. 

Following graduating Cum Laude at UCLA, instead of accepting a “prestigious” high-paying job in corporate America, Jake pursued his passion for helping others and chose to educate youth in Thailand.

After his time in Thailand was over, Jake returned to his home state of California to study law at the Pepperdine Caruso School of Law, so that he could provide a better life for himself & his fellow Californians.

Following excelling in law school and passing the CA State Bar Exam, Jake spent the next 6 years as an attorney representing multi-billionaire California landlords.

While the money was great, Jake’s heart was not fulfilled.

Truth be told, he was becoming just another suit and tie by helping these billionaire landlords maximize their profits at the expense of the renters.

Slowly but surely, he couldn’t help but wonder: was he advocating for the wrong side?

Even worse, no respectable attorneys were helping the renters. It wasn’t a fair fight. Finally, his conscience got the better of him…

Jake didn’t want to help the billionaire landlords anymore, he wanted to help the renters. 

He wanted to help you.

Boldly, Jake opened his own law practice devoted 100% to representing you, the California renter, and not the landlord.

Now, Jake is shaking up the legal industry by taking on wealthy California landlords.

At the same time, Jake makes a promise to his clients that he never takes a dime from his clients if he doesn’t win.

Jake truly is your attorney. 

When Jake’s not fiercely fighting for renters, he’s enjoying everything that our great state has to offer, including surfing at the beach, enjoying tacos & tequila with friends, & hanging with his golden retriever, Tank.

Ready to book your free call with Jake & see if you’re entitled to $10k+?

Click here.